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Nikon 1 AW 1 Review?


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  • 2 months later...

I do! (My husband told me about this post so I hijacked his computer). When we ordered it (about a year ago), we got it online from Best Buy because it was hard to find. The prices were pretty comparable (+ - $100) to a local photography store we looked into. It was more an issue of availability and color selection (we went with white).

We don't have a single complaint about it yet. We haven't given it an underwater trial, but it's been sprayed plenty with no issues (just a cold water rinse when we got home to be safe). I did, however, give it an unintentional 4-foot test drop a couple of months back and haven't had issues since (husband just found out....).

It takes great pictures! We went with only one lens, and I'm happy with it. There have been rare occasions where I wished I had the option to zoom more, but I have to balance that against the fact that I probably wouldn't want to carry it anyway. The movies are also really high quality. There are some other fun functions that I use (mostly the panoramic photo and taking black and white photos with one color emphasized).

We've had a lot of compliments and questions about it when we go out, and I always recommend it!

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