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Nag Juice

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It’s that time a year folks. Please be careful out there and make sure your maintenance is complete. 

If you wear a kill switch lanyard, keep a spare onboard

Keep your throwable “Immediately Available”

check you fire extinguishing devices

Make sure your PFDs are not torn and are in good working condition

Make sure your flares aren’t expired


This was an hour ago. Don’t think it can’t happen to you. Be careful out there and tight lines.

- Spence

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I wanted to keep my new air horn off the deck of the console and easily accessible - used some "industrial" velcro from the big box store with the sticky back and secured it to the inside of the console door.  It's working great - easy access, out of the salt spray, and off the deck.

We had a scary one last weekend... I was helping my son fight a big bonita 2-3 miles out and this guy in a big boat must have had his head in his electronics and nearly ran us down.  My wife grabbed the horn and got his attention - his quick course correction and surprised look spoke volumes.  This is the second time we've had this happen.  Just like on the roads - clearly people aren't paying attention so don't assume they will avoid you.

Be safe and have fun!





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3 hours ago, Bud_man said:

I wanted to keep my new air horn off the deck of the console and easily accessible - used some "industrial" velcro from the big box store with the sticky back and secured it to the inside of the console door.  It's working great - easy access, out of the salt spray, and off the deck.

We had a scary one last weekend... I was helping my son fight a big bonita 2-3 miles out and this guy in a big boat must have had his head in his electronics and nearly ran us down.  My wife grabbed the horn and got his attention - his quick course correction and surprised look spoke volumes.  This is the second time we've had this happen.  Just like on the roads - clearly people aren't paying attention so don't assume they will avoid you.

Be safe and have fun!





He might have also had his head up his floopus or in love with his auto pilot!! I remember a friend who told me many, many years ago, "auto pilot is the worst thing that ever happened to a drunk helmsman"! Took me a minute to figure it out, however auto pilot does not know open water from the Sunshine Skyway bridge or other boats!! You can't be too careful watching for other boats!!!

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Most accidents on the water are avoidable by being alert. People staring at their GPS screens instead of the water ahead is becoming more of an issue every week. Having safety gear easily accessible & up to date is a must. 

The week before last I was running an unmarked yet well known trench between islands in the ENP and I see a guide on a direct course with my boat about 1 mile away. I kept edging to stbd to avoid the direct heading. We were running 30mph and this trench is no less than 75 yards wide. As we got about 50 yards away from each other he turned hard to port and passed on our stbd side. If I didn't slow down and turn to port then we would've almost come close enough to slap hands. I had my 15 year old son & his best friend aboard. My son immediately turns to me and says "WTH Dad, even I wouldn't be stupid enough to do something like that! Wait, isn't that the same guide that nearly ran into us while we were fishing two years ago near Rabbit Key pass?" Sure enough he was right, this was the second time we've had a close call with the same guide. Why?? Because he always stares at his dang GPS screen instead of reading water & paying attention. I don't believe in smearing names but this is a well known ENP guide and it's inexcusable. I cannot wait for the opportunity to have a conversation with him at cip the next time I'm down there. 

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14 hours ago, Bud_man said:

I wanted to keep my new air horn off the deck of the console and easily accessible - used some "industrial" velcro from the big box store with the sticky back and secured it to the inside of the console door.  It's working great - easy access, out of the salt spray, and off the deck.

REally like this one....especially when on an evening cruise here in S. Fla on the ICW.




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