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Xi5 motor guide or power pole????


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I am stuck on whether to get a power pole or an remote control motor guide with the anchor mode and everything. 

I already have an older hand steered trolling motor that works great, but I love the remote control steering (I use the trolling motor and fish a lot) and the anchor mode seems cool. I also need an anchor mechanism of some kind and having a trolling motor and power pole both would be ideal.

Opinions? Reviews?


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TM. Same as above, I hardly use my PP now. What if you need to anchor in a channel or area your PP cant reac?  You dont have time to throw the big anchor and rope. I can hold the boat in any spot anywhere at a moments notice and I’m not limited to depth. 

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90% of your answer depends on how deep you fish and how you fish.   If you fish skinny - 3' or less, a PP is a really good move as it is going to be a quieter way to hold position than the TM.   If you fish deeper or in situations where the TM isn't going to scare away your fish, I'd go with the TM first without question.   It does more than hold position, the ability to have it maintain a heading as you work down the edge of a flat, a shoreline, etc is life changing.   Think of how often you take your hands off the reel to turn your TM now.  How many fish have you missed doing that?    You will do that about 75% less often.   

A stickit anchor pin is a cheap alternative to a Power Pole if you can't get both at the same time, but there is no cheap alternative to the GPS TM.

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TM will change how you fish. It opens the whole boat up for fishing, rather than being stuck at the bow. I'd go with the TM and one of the manual anchor pins for now. Even when you get a power pole the anchor pin will still be useful, to help setup in the wind and tide.

Don't expect to use anchor mode on a shallow flat, it will scare fish.

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2 hours ago, hurricane said:

Don't expect to use anchor mode on a shallow flat, it will scare fish.

We pulled into some flats over Christmas and fish were in a feeding freenzy. Don’t think an airboat would have spooked them. We were 2’ deep+/- and would start/stop chasing the breaks. TM wasnt an issue. Now when it was slow and not much action at all, could have been. 

We have a long idle out of my home ramp. We have to go thru a marina with lots of houseboats. I set a track from ramp to the main channel where we can take off. I put the TM on autopilot and run on 10. It runs as fast as the F150 with no wake. That’s 10 min I can pull my gear out and rig up. When I return, I reverse track and put everything away while ipilot takes me home. 

I can point the TM on a heading and lock it in. Then move around the boat and fish or change baits. 

It really does change the way you fish. Almost like having a “ghostman” (remember those from the sandlot) running the show for you while you fish. 

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Best is both, but major $$$$. 

Second best would be TM and stick pin anchor.

For me Spot lock on the TM makes WAAAYYYY to much noise on a shallow flat. Motor spins, goes to warp speed, boat spins, Reds and trout haul azz in terror.

But.....if you come in down wind so the hull doesn't slap, see fish, hit Power Pole button twice, catch fish. 

So how you like to fish is a major part of the decision. 

I can honestly say that without the Power Pole on my old boat providing me the ability to silently stop and cast to some fish laid up in a sandy pothole.......I would not have caught that second Red that won me the new boat. 


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