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Yamaha F-300

Luke Sutter

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First, you need to tell us what prop you are turning.  I suspect a 4 blade?  Dealers seem to be partial to over propping this boat/motor combo.   That engine needs to turn up closer to 6000 with a normal load........at least 5800.  I foresee a prop change in your future! 

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I ran a F250 with a PowerTech OFX4-21 on my 2400v Pathfinder and could get 5900 rpm at 55 mph....no jackplate. 

If you do not have a jackplate...you may want to check on the hole location that the motor is mounted on the transom, if it's too low...you will never get the higher rpm's out of that motor. 

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Can’t help with prop selection. 


But, yes it’s good to run it at 5800+ for a bit. Some of the F300s are known to make oil. Many think it’s related to not getting enough rpms during break in. 

There are plenty of 2400 owners so I’m sure you’ll get some prop advice. But you definitely want to be able to top out at 5800-6000 rpm. 

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Running it hard won't loosen the motor up after 238 hours. Assuming that the engine is running efficiently, and you are setting the jackplate & trim correctly,

your next step may be to try a new prop.  If you fish in shallow water, a 4 blade likes the higher jackplate settings.  If you fish deeper water, the SWS-II has big blades to move more water.

You can also have your prop tuned to allow 500 more RPM.  Seek out a quality prop shop to repitch your wheel so it spins up to 6K RPM. If you have the SDS, shift damper prop, tell the prop shop to ensure they can work it.

Look in the Pathfinder Section.  In there, there is a subtopic for 'Prop Discussions'.  I see two threads about 2400/F300 props.  Depending how you fish, and how much time you spend above 5000 RPM will determine what props will serve you best.  This is one of the threads:    PF 2400 Prop Thread       Please report back on your results.



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I don't think I would recommend trying to grab an extra 500 rpms by having a prop "worked."  I suspect the most you can go for with a shop is maybe a couple of hundred rpms.  You are looking for a different prop when you are trying to gain an extra 500 turns.   

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I’m really wondering how much a difference a different prop would help such as the one shown below on Pathfinder’s Spec sheet vs my current Saltwater Series II 21-15?  Or would just an  overall manual adjustment by a mechanic just work to that extra meat on the table?


I mean, 300-500 more rpm’s and another 5 mph is a lot!  Especially since I’ll be adding weight with a half tower.




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