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Hewes Redfisher


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Obviously, any wiring that got wet is toast.  If the engine went under, it's very suspect.  The cowling is $300-$600 unless you can find someone to repair and refinish it.

Only if you can steal this rig, is it worth taking a chance on all the thing that can go wrong with a submarine.

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To me, it's worth whatever he hull alone is valued at, whatever that is. 

Engine hours and especially cracked cowlings dont really come into equation on a sunk motor. Or type of TM if it went under....I'd be more concerned with why it sunk,  title status and the amount of project your taking on

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proper treatment is the key.  Time underwater is a factor but time out of the water before being taken care of is more important. Once it comes out of the water the clock starts ticking. If it sat for any time after coming out of the water than yes it is a different story.

The OP did not say if the motor has just sat or was restored and in what manner.

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It was in a lift in Fish River Al.

We had one those 100 year rains that happens about every 10 years you know.

Boat was pinned down by the roof and when the water receded it was still in the lift, that's how cowling got cracked.

Boat has been running around since then with no issues...3 years ago by the way.

Gonna purchase in the next couple of days.

Thanks again for the responses everyone.

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