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Open Season

Capt. Troy

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Had a last minute cancellation yesterday so being the boat was hooked up and ready, why not.

Caught 3 snook all about the same size along with some very nice trout. The snook all looked extremely healthy, more like they look in May.


Water temps have bumped up to 75 and it looks like spring is coming early.


3 slot snook had a lucky day and one trout got to meet the frying pan last night.:D


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Three slot snook swam to see another day?  Wow, cap'n, you're much more the conservationist than I am.  One of those slot snook would have met the cast iron skillet coming from the little 17' boat. But I know you need them out there for your clients. Definitely early Spring in any case.

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You got all the good eats you need according to your other post.:)

Have a hard time killing a snook anymore for personal consumption and very rarely do I take one for my customers unless I can't catch them something else to eat. The snook in the photo I caught was crazy, he got completely out of the water 5 times. Good to see so many slot fish as that is about right since the 2010 freeze.

The trout I cleaned yesterday was slap full of big roe. Seems a little early for that but after no winter no telling what these fish are thinking.

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Nice fish for sure. Ive only kept one snook since the freeze when I was down in Boca Grande. I may do one this year but I rarely target snook anyway so its not like my odds are that great.

Troy, with the warm winter have you seen the cobia start showing up early? Normally late march is when I head up your way to target them.

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