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1994 Bayfisher/Redfisher Bilge Area


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I am having some bilge and pump issues, I am thinking of going back to the basics or at least cleaning up what I have. I bought the boat used and it seems there are several different modifications and the bilge are is completely full of pumps and plumbing. Can anyone send me photos of their bilge areas and suggestions].

I have been out 2 weeks in a row and the bilge has died and the boat has filled with excessive water, if it isn't draining in from the baitwell,. I am not sure how it is filling up. I am open to any and all suggestions.

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On May 12, 2016 at 7:39 PM, G8rfisher said:

Here are a couple photos of my bilge area and fish release well. There seems to be A LOT of plumbing.

Any and all information is welcomed!IMG_20160512_193055621.jpgIMG_20160512_193055621.jpg



First things first.  Get that area as clean as you can. Pump sprayer with bleach and a toilet brush with formula 88 for the stubborn areas.  It looks like a shade tree mechanic plumbed the release well.  Get the area clean, take the boat out on a calm day with all the ball valves closed and look for leaks.  Start opening valves and running pumps one at a time and look for leaks.  

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